- poj-3470 Walls 線段樹 + 掃描線
- poj-1201 Intervals greedy+線段樹
- poj-3368 Frequent values 線段樹
- poj-3264 Balanced Lineup RMQ 線段樹
- poj-2886 Who Gets the Most Candies? bit
- poj-2392 Space Elevator dp
- poj-1990 MooFest BIT
- poj-2155 Matrix 2D-bit
- poj-3666 Making the Grade dp
- poj-3109 Inner Vertices bit
- poj-2184 Cow Exhibition dp
- poj-3181 Dollar Dayz dp
- poj-1631 Bridging signals dp
- poj-1742 Coins dp
- poj-3046 Ant Counting dp
- poj-3735 Training little cats 矩陣快速冪解遞迴
- poj-3185 The Water Bowls
- poj-2549 Sumsets
- poj-3977 Subset
- poj-3420 Quad Tiling 矩陣快速冪
- poj-2674 Linear world
- poj-3279 Fliptile
- poj-3276 Face The Right Way
- poj-1222 Extended Lights Out
- poj-3171 Cleaning Shifts 帶權區間覆蓋
- poj-2739 Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers 2 pointer
- poj-2100 Graveyard Design 2 pointer
- poj-2566 Bound Found sort + 2 pointer
- poj-1990 MooFest
- poj-3061 Subsequence 2 pointer
- poj-3320 Jessica's Reading Problem 2 pointer
- poj-3662 Telephone Lines 路徑上的最大值最小化
- poj-3484 Showstopper 二分搜函式加總範圍
- poj-3111 K Best 求平均值最大
- poj-1759 Garland 構造一個特定函數
- poj-2976 Dropping tests 平均最大化
- poj-3579 Median 搜尋第K大
- poj-3685 Matrix 搜尋矩陣上第K大
- poj-3258 River Hopscotch 最小值最大化
- poj-3273 Monthly Expense 最大值最小化
- poj-3104-Drying 最小值最大化
- poj-3045 Cow Acrobats 最大值最小化
- poj-3421-X-factor Chains 質數題
- poj-1065 Wooden Sticks Dilworth
- poj-3292-Semi-prime H-numbers 4k+1質數題
- poj-1548-Robots Dilworth
- poj-1995-Raising Modulo Numbers fast power
- poj-3641-Pseudoprime numbers fast power
- poj-3126-Prime Path 質數題
- poj-3636 Nested Dolls Dilworth
- poj-3866 poj Exclusive Access 2 Dilworth 進階
- poj-1930-Dead Fraction 小數轉分數
- poj-2395-Out of Hay 實作MST
- poj-2377-Bad Cowtractors 有點變化的MST
- poj-1258-Agri-Net 實作MST的兩種方法
- poj-3259-Wormholes 找負環
- poj-2139-Six Degrees of Cowwin Bacon 最短路徑問題
- poj-3268-Silver Cow Party 最短路徑
- codeforces-765E-Tree Folding 把樹合併成最短的鏈
- spoj-subst1 字串練習 求相異子字串個數
- poj-3416-Oulipo 字串練習 練習各式字串匹配演算法
- codeforces-755D-PolandBall and Polygon BIT
- poj-2236-Wireless Network disjoint set, union find
- poj-1703-Find them, Catch them unioin find
- poj-3614-Sunscreen greedy
- poj-2010-Moo University-Financial Aid priority_queue
- poj-1151-Atlantis Qtree 矩形覆蓋面積
- poj-1151-Atlantis 矩形覆蓋面積
- poj-2229-Sumsets dp
- poj-3262-Protecting the Flowers greedy
- poj-3616-Milking Time dp
- poj-3176-Cow Bowlong dp
- poj-3280-Cheapest Palindrome dp
- poj-2385-Apple Catching dp
- poj-2393-Yogurt factory greedy
- poj-1862-Stripies greedy
- poj-3190-Stall Reservations greedy
- poj-2718-Smallest Difference search
- poj-1979-Red and Black dfs
- poj-1328-Radar Installation greedy
- poj-1017-Packets greedy
- poj-3669-Meteor Shower bfs
- poj-3050-Hopscotch search
- poj-3009-Curing 2.0 dfs
- poj-2376-Cleaning Shifts greedy
- poj-3187-Backward Digit Sums search
- poj-3040-Allowance greedy